Book an Appointment
New Patients- please book an intake appointment for your first visit. A deposit will be required to hold the spot for you and will be applied to the cost of your intake. Feel free to add yourself to the waiting list to be contacted if an appointment opens up sooner. Due to high volume we are currently only booking new patients by phone, please call the office at (314) 269-3847 to set up your initial visit.
Existing Patients- if it has been 6 months or more since your last visit OR you are coming in with a new problem, please book an appointment with a reevaluation so we have time to give you proper care. Standard appointment times are 20 minutes. If you would like more time with the doctor but don’t need an examination, you can book an extended visit for 30 minutes instead!
Choose appointment type to see available times.
Internal Health
Dr. Caroline looks for the underlying cause of disease and analyzes the body from both a pathological and functional perspective so she can see the beginning of disease processes before they have progressed to the point that they are diagnosed utilizing common medical evaluation and address the root cause of the dysfunction as well as the symptoms.
*Call the office to schedule if this is your first visit*
Dr. Caroline uses a combination of Nambudripads Allergy Elimination Technique (NAET) and the Jaffe-Mellor Technique (JMT), which are natural, noninvasive techniques that can permanently eliminate the symptoms of allergies, hypersensitivities and intolerances.
*Call the office to schedule if this is your first visit*
Dr. Caroline alleviates the effects of various stresses by applying holistic chiropractic treatments which may include a combination of :
•specific gentle joint manipulation or mobilization
•cranial manipulation techniques
•acupuncture and/or acupressure protocols
•clinical nutrition
•dietary modifications
•various reflex procedures
•evaluation of environmental irritants
*Call the office to schedule if this is your first visit*
*For existing patients who have completed and intake appointment only, please call the office to schedule your first visit*
Acupuncture can be used to alleviate the symptoms associated with many conditions from musculoskeletal and immune system dysfunctions to allergic reactions.
*For existing patients who have completed an intake appointment only, please call the office to schedule your first visit*
Acupressure based treatment focused on decreasing the symptoms associated with osteoarthritis. **Note**: these treatments require an initial sequence of 7 treatments performed within a 2 week period.
Select a treatment
from the list on the left
to view available appointment times

Need Help? (314) 269-3847